Saturday, October 29, 2016

Testimony 019 I Was Buried in Scientific Theories!: Yong-Il Hong

In today’s world, there are so many people who say that they cannot believe in God because of science. How can an intelligent, scientific person believe that God created the universe? Today we will be listening to a testimony of a brother who was a science teacher and although he went to church, taught evolution because he had no assurance in God or in the Bible and thought creationism was just another theory. But when this brother saw the solid proof of the resurrection and the lives of the eyewitnesses he came to the only reasonable conclusion that the disciples really saw the Risen Jesus so Jesus really resurrected! He could believe that God really exists and He could then believe in all the words in the Bible as absolute truth.

This testimony is given by a member of Hanmaum Church in South Korea and was featured in TV program "Only Jesus" on C-Channel.