Testimony 022 A Bulimia Patient Eats the Bread of Life! : Mina Kim
The next testimony we will hear is from a sister who struggled with bulimia, and she shares about how she was freed from all her problems through the gospel. God really gave me a lot of grace through this testimony because like anyone who goes to church, I always heard “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”, but what is the truth and how does that set me free? How do I know for certain that I have been freed? We hear that we have died with Christ and live as a new creation with him, but do I really live as a new creation every day in my life? In this sister’s testimony, the Holy Spirit really showed me the power of the gospel that because it is so sure that Jesus really rose from the dead, I can be sure that I really died with him on that cross. This is the truth! The old self who was a slave to sin, a slave to my greed and desires, am completely dead and I have been raised as a completely new creation, in reality, that lives completely free from sin, from death and from all the problems of this world! As we listen to her testimony, I really pray that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes to see the truth that sets us free from all our problems that I who lived for myself am dead and I am a new creation in Christ who lives only for him.
This testimony is given by a member of Hanmaum Church in South Korea and was featured in TV program "Only Jesus" on C-Channel.