Saturday, February 18, 2017

Gospel 013 Sung Ro Kim: Unity with Christ; Faith that Obeys One Word

Today we want to read an article by Pastor Sung Ro Kim called "Unity with Christ: Faith that Obeys One Word". These are urgent times when the gospel is hindered from being proclaimed, and it is now more crucial than ever for Christians to rise and stand up for the truth. Christians who will give their lives to obey one Word of the Lord! Isn’t that what it means that Jesus is my Lord? To say Amen to his Word and give my life to obey! Throughout Christian history, this is the reality of the faith of the disciples, the early church, the martyrs, heroes of the faith who gave their lives to obey Jesus’ command to go and make disciples and pass down this greatest news of the gospel - that Jesus is risen from the dead, that this Risen Jesus is my Lord and my God - we have received this gospel, so now there is only way, one reason to live - Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation! This is the mission more precious than my life! Just as Jesus gave his life for the mission, just as Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.