Saturday, April 29, 2017

Gospel 019 Jonathan Morrow: 8 Things Christians Must Understand About Our Cultural Moment

Today, we want to share a podcast episode from Jonathan Morrow's Your Worldview Minute. We are playing the latter portion of this episode, but the link to the entire podcast and Jonathan Morrow’s website are in the description below. Jonathan Morrow is the Director of Cultural Engagement and Immersion at Impact 360 Institute where he trains high school and college students in Christian worldview, apologetics, and leadership and also serves as a professor at Biola University.

In the face of today's modern culture and skepticism as the youth are leaving the church, he addresses how the young generation can verify the truth of Christianity, and stand firm and defend a lasting, confident faith. In today's episode, he shares with us about the foundation of Christianity that the faith of the Bible is not a blind, wishful thinking.

At the center of the Christian message, the heart of Christianity is the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, and this is the proof that God has given to all men to believe that the man Jesus who died on the cross is truly God the Son. This is the core of what the early church and what Paul preached - that Jesus died and rose from the dead according to the Bible. The foundation of Christianity is that this man Jesus - he claimed to be God, he died on the cross, but now he's alive. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, you are still in your sins. If Christ has not been raised, we are of all men most to be pitied. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, we cannot have faith that Jesus is the Son of God who died to forgive my sins, and we cannot believe the Bible, all of Christianity is false. So it is so important to really dig out this historical fact and honestly seek the truth for ourselves and for the next generation - did Jesus really rise from the dead? This is the gospel we must share with the next generation. Let's listen together.
You can listen to entire the episode here or visit his podcast.